You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.5. Sales - Backorder Creation > Backorder Creation - Edit Menu Options > Backorder Creation - Edit - Update Delivery Dates
Backorder Creation - Edit - Update Delivery Dates

Use this option to update the supplier or customer delivery dates for a backorder. These dates are originally set on the Enter Backorder Line screen (refer to "Entering Backorder Lines").

  1. Display the Backorder Creation screen.

Refer to "Backorder Creation - Edit Menu Options".

  1. Select the backorder line you want to update delivery dates for.

Micronet displays the Set Delivery Date screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Supplier Due Date

Enter or select the date that the supplier has committed to you for delivery. Micronet uses this information when producing the supplier’s purchase order so that you may produce reports and warnings if the supplier is late on delivery, and/or you are falling short on delivery to your customer.


Customer Due Date

Enter or select the delivery date that you have committed to your customer. Micronet uses this information when producing the supplier’s purchase order so that you may produce reports and warnings if the supplier is late on delivery, and/or you are falling short on delivery to your customer.

  1. When you have finished, select the Set button.

Micronet redisplays the Backorder Creation screen.